Friday, June 5, 2015

IRAN- Nuclear deal won’t change Iran regime’s ‘hegemonic goals‘: Ex- U.S. Amb. to Iraq

James Jeffrey
Ambassador James Jeffrey, former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq warned the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday that the Iranian regime remains a threat to destabilize the region and that a nuclear agreement would not signal “a change of heart about its ultimate hegemonic goals.”
Ambassador James Jeffrey told lawmakers that “the agreement cannot be considered outside the context of Iran’s record of destabilization in the region.”
“Iran’s behavior in the region is profoundly troubling to many states. Either an Iranian nuclear weapons capability, or an Iran politically empowered by an agreement that stops it just short of such a capability, would pose extraordinary new threats to a region already under stress, and undermine the above U.S. vital interests,” he said.......

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