Monday, February 2, 2015

Tehran: Suppressive agents fearing backlash from residents, fle
Three annoying agents of the department of 'enjoining of virtue and prohibiting vice' in charge of overseeing women’s dress code in public approached 3 young women on Friday Jan 30th harassing them for allegedly not following the mandatory Mullahs’ imposed Islamic dress code. This happened in Sohrevardi Ave, Central Tehran at about 5PM Friday. A group of young men who were in the vicinity at that time intervened and clashed with the suppressive and reactionary Basij agents forcing them to back off. The fear of a wider spread protest forced the Basij paramilitary agents to flee the scene avoiding a bigger demonstration and subsequent scuffle with the police. The 3 young women reached their homes safely.  

Tehran:Two Basij militants were chastised by young demonstrators in 'student park'

Two aggravating Basij agents tried to arrest a young man at Student Park, in Valiasr Blvd, northwestern Tehran about 2 PM local Tehran time on Friday Jan. 30th. They accused the young man of not observing the mandatory men’s dress code, something the mullahs have established to intimidate and harass the youth in order to prevent them from taking opposition line against the government. As they tried to arrest the young man, his friends and other youth in the vicinity intervened and attacked the annoying Basijis chasing them away and giving their full support to the young man