Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Iran- Maryam Rajavi in French senate

 Maryam Rajavi in French senate
Maryam Rajavi Extending break out time by six or nine months is not a solution after three decades of concealment by Tehran.  
The guaranteed solution is comprised of stringent implementation of six Security Council resolutions, full halt to enrichment and closure of all nuclear sites.

IRAN - People free young woman held by pro-regime men

A young woman being harassed and intimidated by the dress code police in Tehran
Two bassijis harassed a young woman Sunday night, April 25, at 9 p.m. as they were riding a bicycle. Young men in the neighborhood rushed to the woman’s aid when she cried out for help. The Bassijis were thus forced to free the young woman and leave the area. People staged a protest demonstration afterwards.
Bassij is the paramilitary force under the command of the Revolutionary Guards Corps and supporting the mullahs’ supreme leader.

IRAN- Students Protest at Elm-o San’at University

Science and Industry University rally
Dozens of students of Tehran’s University of Science and Industry (Elm-o San’at) gathered on campus in support of their teachers.
The gathering had been announced in advance. Students protested against inaction of university officials in responding to the students’ demands.
The students also protested the low quality of food and insanitary service at the university’s restaurant and line up their trays on the ground in protest.
At the end of this protest gathering, students read a declaration enumerating their demands.