Sunday, April 5, 2015

Maryam Rajavi: Mullahs fearful and pressured

A statement of generalities, without Khamenei’s signature and official approval,
does not block the path to a nuclear bomb.
Continuing talks with religious fascism ruling Iran in the framework of appeasing will not secure the region and world from the threat of nuclear proliferation.
Complying with UN Security Council resolutions is simply the only way to block the mullahs from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi , the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, said the following concerning the joint statement between the Iranian regime and the P5+1:
“Decisive Storm” and the regional coalition against the expansion and aggression of the religious fascism ruling Iran in Yemen, the crippling impact of the sanctions and Iranian society’s explosive state as well as successive warnings by the United States Congress that it will confront this regime and will ratchet up the sanctions finally compelled the clerical regime to reluctantly take one more step back after 16 months of talks, which had gone into overtime in Lausanne. A step toward drinking the chalice of nuclear poison, this retreat was prompted by fear and pressure and blatantly contradicts the foundations and guidelines the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei had announced personally two weeks ago.

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