Friday, March 27, 2015

Iran is the greatest threat to U.S. national security than ISIS

Sen. Tom Cotton
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) on Monday warned that a nuclear armed Iranian regime is the ’gravest threat’ to U.S. national security.
'The gravest threat to our national security is a nuclear-armed Iran, and this man, Ayatollah Khamenei,' Cotton said from the Senate floor.
The Arkansas Republican referred to a speech Ali Khamenei gave over the weekend in honor of Nowruz , the Persian New Year.
The crowd chanted 'death to America' as Khamenei spoke. 'What was his response to that chant? He said, ’Yes, certainly, death to America,’ ' Cotton said. ' ’Death to America.’ Remember this is the leader whom with the United States is negotiating today.'

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