Saturday, March 28, 2015

12 Executions; the Iranian regime’s New Year gift to the people

12 Executions, one week after the Iranian New Year

It has only been only one week since the Iranian New Year or Nowruz , but the mullahs’ ruling Iran have twice sent groups of prisoners to the gallows. 
The clerical regime which can only prolong its bloody rule in Iran by executions and intimidations to suppress any opposition or dissent in the country, didn’t wait until the New Year holidays finish and them wrap its bloody hands around the neck of the Iranian people. The clerical regime hanged 12 people in just one day, 5 in Mashhad and 7 in Shiraz on Thursday. 
The 7 prisoners were sent to the gallows at dawn on Thursday in Adel-Abad Shiraz. They had been transferred to the solitary Thursday of the week before and had spent a week in the solitary waiting for the sentence to be carried out. 
Due to the holidays in Iran, Iranian newspapers do not print, and so these executions have not been reported and it was carried out in total silence. 
The other 5 prisoners were hanged in the holy city of Mashhad, northern Iran on the same day making the total of 12 in just one day. The judiciary has not announced these executions either.

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